Climate Change: Implications for Fisheries & Aquaculture
The oceans are vital for production of food from fisheries and aquaculture, but their ability to provide this service is sensitive to climate change and associated ocean acidification. The oceans are vital for production of food from fisheries and aquaculture, but...
Climate policy and the fail of the oil price
What will be the impact of the recent and dramatic oil’s drop price on the national and regional governmental climate policies and their GHG’s target reductions? What will be the impact of the recent and dramatic oil’s drop price on the national and regional...
Aéronergie and Will Solutions combine their efforts and expertise
Aéronergie and Will Solutions combine their efforts and expertise to monetize réductions in GHG emissions for hundreds of energy efficiency projects. Aéronergie and Will Solutions combine their efforts and expertise to monetize réductions in GHG emissions for...
Climate Change: Implications for the Energy Sector
The energy industry is both a contributor to climate change and a sector that climate change will severely impact. The energy industry is both a contributor to climate change and a sector that climate change will severely impact. This briefing explores the challenges...
Climate Change: Implications for Employment
Climate change poses a severe threat to future sustainable development and to livelihoods around the world. Climate change poses a severe threat to future sustainable development and to livelihoods around the world. This summary looks at ways in which economic...
Climate Change: Implication for Defense
Climate change intensifies existing pressures and brings new challenges to global peace and security. Climate change intensifies existing pressures and brings new challenges to global peace and security. Societies’ responses to climate impacts may exceed the global or...