Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the Company

Who is Will Solutions?

Will Solutions specializes in environmental and financial services for businesses, focusing on decarbonization, climate action and green transition.

Certified B Corp, Will Solutions supports its customers in measuring, reducing, financing and offsetting their carbon emissions. Thanks to nearly 20 years of expertise in the voluntary carbon market, Will Solutions offers innovative, practical solutions for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at source, while guaranteeing real, certified carbon credits.

The company is also behind the Sustainable Community, Canada’s first grouped carbon project, bringing together over 160 SMEs, NPOs and municipalities committed to ecological projects in Quebec, to decarbonize the local economy and infrastructure.

Why the name Will Solutions?

Will Solutions is a company dedicated to fighting climate change by promoting voluntary initiatives in the carbon markets. The name “WILL” comes from the English words “will” and “legacy”, symbolizing our commitment to going beyond business as usual to create a sustainable future. Our mission is to support and develop climate projects that embody these values, reflecting our determination to make a difference.

Visit our corporate page to find out more about Will Solutions. 

What are the values of Will Solutions ?

The climate commitment of Will Solutions is founded on three key values:

Action: We are consistently solution-oriented, and therefore, we accelerate concrete climate action by providing a market supply. As proof, we have helped more than 160 companies reduce their emissions through concrete ecological projects!

Cooperation: We value transparency, partnerships and the active participation of our employees. For example, our unique business model makes corporate decarbonization accessible to as many people as possible, notably through access to the voluntary carbon market at no upfront cost!

Ambition: We challenge the status quo to create a desirable and sustainable climate future and strive for excellence. We push back the boundaries by constantly innovating for a better climate future, as evidenced by our new Sustainable Community member portal (currently under development), a genuine real-time carbon management and reporting platform for our members!

What are Will Solutions' ESG goals?

Will Solutions is firmly committed to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices:

Environment :

  • Annual Sustainability Report: Monitoring and transparency of our ESG objectives and performance. The report is available on our corporate page
  • Responsible purchasing policy: Prioritizing environmentally-friendly suppliers.
  • Waste management and circular economy: Thanks to its Sustainable Community carbon methodology, Will Solutions makes many environmentally-friendly waste management projects eligible for carbon finance, thus promoting a circular economy.
  • Energy efficiency and energy demand: We also support ecological energy efficiency and energy conversion projects by making them eligible for carbon finance via our Sustainable Community carbon methodology.
  • Materials sourcing and efficiency: Will Solutions adds value to raw materials, materials and waste by calculating their carbon footprint and financially rewarding their best practices, thus encouraging responsible use of resources.
  • 100% teleworking: Reducing emissions linked to travel and the use of physical offices.

Social :

  • Employee benefits: Group insurance, RRSPs, sports and wellness allowances, flexible working hours, international teleworking…
  • Customer satisfaction: Will Solutions places customer satisfaction at the heart of its priorities, by regularly measuring its NPS score, conducting surveys, and integrating customer feedback into the evolution of its offer.
  • Employee commitment: Will Solutions values the commitment of its employees, creating a collaborative work environment that encourages initiative and innovation.
  • Community relations: Through its Sustainable Community, Will Solutions offers its members business opportunities, creates synergies, contributes to Quebec’s expertise in the green economy, and shares its know-how to make voluntary markets accessible to small businesses and organizations.

Governance :

  • Democratize the voluntary carbon market: do our part to make corporate decarbonization, carbon services and the operation of the voluntary market simple, clear and accessible.
  • B Corp certification: Score of 143.7/200, demonstrating our commitment to society.
  • Concilivi Seal: Commitment to employee well-being and work-life balance.
  • Continuous improvement: Will Solutions is committed to a process of continuous improvement of its practices, thus guaranteeing agile and efficient governance.
  • Data protection and privacy: Will Solutions ensures the protection of its clients’ data and privacy in compliance with the Privacy Act, by implementing a privacy policy, a cookie policy and cookie election forms.
  • Creation of a works committee: Will Solutions has set up a works committee to strengthen internal collaboration and encourage employee participation in strategic decision-making.
  • Transparency: we publicly share the description of our Sustainable Community umbrella project, all our annual reduction tracking reports, and our carbon credit registry.
  • Business ethics: Will Solutions adopts rigorous business ethics, ensuring full transparency on revenue allocation, proportional distribution of reductions achieved, and education on the voluntary carbon market to encourage informed decisions.

These initiatives demonstrate our commitment to creating a positive and sustainable impact. To view our resources on Will Solutions’ ESG commitment, please visit the ‘ESG policy and the ‘corporate values’ section of our corporate documents page.

How do I apply for a job at Will Solutions ?

To apply for a job at Will Solutions, please visit our careers page. You’ll find all our current vacancies and instructions on how to apply. We also welcome unsolicited applications!

Understanding Carbon Services

What services does Will Solutions offer?

Will Solutions offers a range of carbon services to help companies reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices. We provide 3 main ranges of carbon services:

  1. Emissions measurement (carbon footprint)
  2. Emissions reduction, quantification and financing (Sustainable Community)
  3. Carbon offsetting (carbon credits)

Our aim is to drive decarbonization for businesses, NPOs and public bodies through concrete, accessible solutions.

How are GHG reductions quantified by WILL?

All GHG reductions, qualified under the Sustainable Community, are calculated on the basis of supporting documents requested following an on-site or remote audit. Annual data verification is renewed and adapted each year to meet the latest market compliance standards.

Our experts use advanced measurement tools to calculate the emissions avoided and reduced by our projects. At WILL, GHG reductions are quantified using rigorous, standardized and conservative methodologies such as ISO 14064, the GHG Institute and government sources.

Finally, each reduction is verified by independent third parties to guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the carbon credits we offer.

How can I get my company involved in decarbonization with Will Solutions ?

Want to take your company or organization to the next level of decarbonization? The steps are simple with WILL:

  1. Contact us to present your sustainability and decarbonization objectives.
  2. A carbon expert will get back to you to identify your needs and advise you on the most appropriate course of action.
  3. This will put your decarbonization plan on a solid footing for an effective commitment to sustainability.
What choice should I make between joining the Sustainable Community and buying carbon credits for my company?

There are no general rules. The choice between joining the Sustainable Community and purchasing carbon credits depends on your company’s specific objectives and opportunities.

Sustainable Community membership:

  • Ideal for SMEs or companies with high decarbonization potential.
  • Allows you to directly reduce your emissions and benefit from green financing.

Purchase of carbon credits:

  • Suitable for large companies or those aiming for carbon neutrality or net zero.
  • Offset incompressible emissions with certified projects.

Check out this comparison chart to find out more, or contact us directly to speak to a carbon expert.

Entering Carbon Credits

What is a carbon credit?

A carbon credit corresponds to one tonne of verified GHG reduction. The production cycle of a carbon credit at Solutions Will includes various stages to guarantee the quality of credits: emissions measurement, qualification of GHG reduction projects, quantification of associated tons of GHG, third-party verification of reductions (enabling tons of GHG to be converted into carbon credits through auditing, serialization and certification), marketing, sale and withdrawal of the credit.

How can my purchase of carbon credits help reduce emissions?

Generally speaking, the purchase of carbon credits works by financing projects that reduce or sequester greenhouse gas emissions. Each credit represents one tonne of CO₂ avoided or captured through initiatives such as reforestation, renewable energies, or energy efficiency improvements. By purchasing carbon credits, companies offset their own incompressible emissions by supporting these projects, thus contributing to the overall reduction in GHG emissions. This graph shows the role of carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market.

At WILL, the purchase directly supports GHG reduction projects carried out by small and medium-sized local businesses and organizations in the fields of energy efficiency, energy conversion and waste management optimization.

How does a carbon credit buyer make his choice?

A carbon credit buyer’s choice is influenced by several criteria, often aligned with his or her own values. Community projects are particularly prized for their positive impact on local sustainable development. What’s more, the purchase of local credits is gaining in popularity, making it possible to focus first on the local before considering combinations with international projects.

The price of carbon credits is a key factor, although it is difficult to standardize due to the diversity of projects. The price evolves according to various factors: the project’s location and environmental regulations, its cost of implementation, the social value added, and the rigor with which it is carried out according to internationally certified protocols.

Projects that support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and offer direct financial benefits to the local community are also important selection criteria, as is a preference for projects that reduce emissions rather than simply sequester them. Last but not least, participatory projects that encourage the involvement of a large number of small players often receive greater support.

WILL’s Sustainable Community project validates all these criteria. We also distinguish ourselves by offering guaranteed, certified carbon credits from projects with high social and environmental value, contributing directly to the local green transition.

Why choose carbon credits from the WILL Sustainable Community?

Choosing WILL Sustainable Community carbon credits means opting for high-quality, verified credits generated by local projects in Quebec and Ontario. Our credits come from concrete ecological initiatives that deliver tangible environmental and social benefits. What’s more, they have the advantage of being derived from greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions at source (as opposed to sequestration projects). Reducing emissions at source was defined as a priority action by the IPCC in its press release of August 9, 2021.

This is why our Sustainable Community project is a Verra-verified group project. Thanks to this unique innovation and our expertise, we are opening up the participation of Quebec and Ontario SMEs, small organizations and municipalities in decarbonization and green finance, which would not have been able to get involved without the existence of this project.

By purchasing our credits, you are not only supporting the reduction of GHG emissions, but also sustainable development and local innovation.

Find out more about our carbon credits or book a meeting with one of our advisors.

Propel your Climate Action with WILL

What are the main challenges we help our customers overcome?

Our customers have successfully tackled critical challenges in their decarbonization journey thanks to our expertise:

  • Carbon knowledge: We help identify the main sources of emissions and understand the potential for reduction.
  • Prioritization of green projects: We guide companies to select projects with high carbon reduction potential.
  • Access to the voluntary carbon market without up-front costs: We enable companies to bypass the high up-front costs of carbon project verification, which according to our conservative study amount to at least CAD 100,000, without even accounting for annual maintenance costs.
  • Operational excellence: We help you achieve greater operational efficiency through sustainable practices.
  • Reduce operating costs: switch to a less expensive renewable energy source for the same energy requirement, reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency in buildings and production/processing infrastructures, use materials previously sent to landfill for reuse as raw materials or energy sources…
  • Decarbonization financing: Through access to carbon revenues and our Sustainable Community project, open to local project developers.
  • Decarbonization management: We provide tools to easily manage and track your decarbonization efforts.
  • Sustainability and reinvestment: We help maintain existing green projects and invest in new initiatives.
  • Enhanced sustainability and brand image: We work with you to improve your sustainability, create additional and recurring green revenue streams, and anticipate regulatory changes, while strengthening your brand image.

Start your carbon journey by measuring your corporate emissions;

Participate in the Sustainable Community;

Contribute to the Sustainable Community project and purchase carbon credits.

What is Will's role in the voluntary carbon market?

In a nutshell, WILL opens up the potential of the voluntary market to SMEs and organizations, providing them with turnkey access that is unique in Canada.

Will’s role is to help small and medium-sized businesses reduce their GHG emissions, quantify them and have them verified by an independent third party. This recognition transforms 1 tonne of reduction into 1 carbon credit, making climate action tangible.

Will then sells premium and local carbon credits on the international market and returns 80% of the proceeds in cash and services to the SME concerned. WILL assumes all the costs and risks of marketing and ensures an annual monetary return to the SMEs it supports.

You can learn more about our business model here.

What type of company or organization benefits most from our services?

The companies and organizations that benefit most from our services are those seeking to integrate sustainable development and decarbonization practices over the medium and long term. Whether you’re an SME, a large corporation, a municipality or a non-profit organization, we can help you measure, reduce or offset your GHG emissions.

Our services benefit a wide range of economic sectors, including green technologies, finance and banking, forestry, agriculture, waste management, municipalities, construction, events and more, in Canada, Quebec and Ontario.

Would you like to find out more? Fill in our contact form to tell us about your objectives and get a free estimate of your carbon potential!

Get Inspired with Projects, Testimonials and Case Studies

Do you have any case studies or testimonials from satisfied customers?

Yes, we have several case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers. You can view them on our case studies page to see how we’ve helped other organizations achieve their climate goals. You’ll also find contextual testimonials on each of our services pages.

Can I see examples of sustainable community ecological projects?

Yes, you can explore our detailed catalog of Sustainable Community green projects. This catalog highlights inspiring initiatives undertaken by our members to reduce their GHG emissions. These projects cover diverse sectors such as forestry, agriculture, green technologies and more.

Demystifying the Carbon Market

What is VCS (Verified Carbon Standard)?

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is the leading program for carbon credit projects recognized on voluntary carbon markets. VCS is recognized as the world’s leading greenhouse gas credit program. It offers third-party assurance that carbon credits are fully verifiable and auditable.

VCS sets rigorous standards for quantifying, monitoring and verifying GHG reductions. VCS-certified projects undergo independent audits to ensure that they deliver real, measurable and verifiable reductions in carbon emissions. The program is managed by the internationally recognized Verra organization.

Why did WILL choose Verra's VCS program?

WILL chose Verra’s VCS program because of its reputation for rigor and transparency. The VCS offers high standards for the certification of GHG reduction projects, guaranteeing high-quality carbon credits. By adopting VCS, we offer our customers additional quality assurance for the carbon credits they produce or purchase with us.

The VCS program is also open to methodological innovation and open source. WILL has therefore developed and had certified a methodology, VM0018 (2009-2012), which is the methodological basis of the agglomerated Sustainable Community project. All our project validation documents are available here, including the MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) phases.

What is SPEDE?

The Cap-and-Trade Emissions Trading System of Quebec, called SPEDE is a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions regulation program in Quebec, covering more than a hundred of the province’s major GHG emitters. It operates on the principle of annual emissions quotas (cap and trade).

If a company exceeds its quota, it must purchase regulated carbon credits to offset the excess. If it falls short of its annual quota, it can sell the difference on the regulated market. Allocated quotas are progressively reduced and/or the price of a regulated carbon credit increases year by year, to encourage large emitters to proactively decarbonize their activities.

By contrast, the voluntary market in Quebec is open to all other companies and organizations not covered by the SPEDE.

What's the difference between government and regulatory climate action?

Government climate actions are mainly based on regulatory instruments, such as carbon pricing, which can take the form of taxes on GHG emissions, regulated market mechanisms, or specific regulations such as bans on the sale of fossil fuel vehicles. These actions are generally mandatory, and aim to impose limits or direct incentives to reduce emissions on a national or sectoral scale. They are also often supported by results-based climate finance (RBCF) initiatives, which reward actual emissions reductions.

Voluntary climate action, on the other hand, is characterized by its non-binding nature. Companies or promoters can develop projects that go beyond their regulatory obligations to reduce GHG emissions or capture carbon, thus participating in voluntary carbon markets (VCMs). These markets are open to all economic players, enabling those who wish to do so to purchase carbon credits to offset their emissions, even in the absence of a legal obligation. This approach fosters innovation and voluntary commitment beyond government requirements, enabling greater flexibility and customization in the fight against climate change.

Understanding Sector-specific Quality Criteria for Carbon Credits

What is carbon credit additionality?

The additionality of carbon credits means that the emissions reductions financed by these credits would not have taken place without the purchase of these credits.

To find out more about additionality and what WILL has to offer, read our guide to additionality.

What is carbon credit permanence?

The permanence of carbon credits refers to the length of time over which emissions reductions are maintained. Projects must guarantee that emission reductions are sustainable and will not be reversed in the future.

Permanence is an indicator designed primarily for ex-ante projects, i.e. anticipated and estimated carbon credits. At Will, all our carbon credits are ex-post, i.e. derived from reductions already achieved and therefore guaranteed. Will Solutions also ensures that projects are maintained year after year.

What is the conservative carbon credit estimation?

Conservative estimation of carbon credits consists in conservatively estimating emissions reductions to avoid overestimating impacts. This ensures that the credits sold represent real and verifiable reductions.

We continuously adapt our emissions calculation factors to the latest industry requirements, to ensure the quality and rigor of our emissions calculations. For example, we recently updated our WARM emissions factors, developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), from version 15 to 16.

What is carbon credit single counting?

Single carbon credit counting ensures that each credit can only be counted once, avoiding double counting and guaranteeing the integrity of emission reductions.

All WILL carbon credits have a unique serialization number, enabling them to be identified. They are sold for final and definitive withdrawal, and are never traded on stock exchanges, to avoid speculation.

What is the non-association of carbon credits with social or environmental damage?

This means that projects generating carbon credits must not cause social or environmental damage. Projects must benefit local communities and preserve the environment.

In addition to GHG reductions, Will Solutions carbon credits have other social and environmental co-benefits. In particular, we contribute to the achievement of 6 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

  • 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure);
  • 10 (reduced inequalities);
  • 11 (sustainable cities and communities);
  • 12 (responsible consumption and production);
  • 13 (measures to combat climate change);
  • 17 (partnerships to achieve the goals).


The projects can be very diverse and of different types. They fall into three major categories, namely:

1. Reduction at source projects

Reduction at source projects include energy efficiency, construction of new energy efficient buildings, methane avoidance through energy recovery of waste, etc.

Avoidance projects such as energy conversion projects, including replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy (hydro, wind, solar, and geothermal), waste diverted from landfill, behavioral changes in transportation, etc.

2. CO2 sequestration projects

CO2  sequestration projects, including nature based solution (NBS), are climate change solutions based on nature that sequester CO2. They include reforestation, forest protection and land management, as well as sustainable agriculture.

3. Capture engineering projects

Engineering projects that aim to capture CO2.