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Press and Web Press

Prices and Recognition

  • In October 2022, Will Solutions received the Innovation Award at the Gala Grand Richelois, organized by the CCIVR, rewarding companies contributing to the economic, social and environmental dynamism of the Richelieu Valley.
  • In June 2014, Will Solutions was finalist in the Innovation category for Les Prix Novae de l’Entreprise 2014. These prices reward the best Quebec’s sustainable practices.
  • In February 2012, Will Solutions Inc. (Gedden) developped and obtained the VCS Certification (Verified Carbon Stardard) of the first and only worldwide methodology that converts grouped efforts from SME’s into carbon credits.
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  • In August 2005, the Ozone Secretariat – governed by the United Nations Environnement Program invited Will Solutions (Gedden) to submit an informal proposition regarding the possibility of developing and implementing a system for tracking the trade in ozone depleting substances (ODS).
  • In June 2005, Will Solutions (Gedden) was a finalist in the Research and Development category for the 2005 Prix Phénix de l’Environnement.
  • In April 2004, Will Solutions (Gedden) was was involved in a projet to facilitate the development of an electronic Hazardous Waste Tracking System in Mexico (Basel Convention).
  • In November 2002, Will Solutions (Gedden) was awarded first place in the category and finalist in the B2B and Quebec SME categories recognizing providers of e-business solutions whose products and services enhance the quality of business processes and generate concrete benefits.

Press references (archives)

The following articles and quotes do not have hyperlinks. This may be the result of different causes: the initial publisher deleted the article in question, the site is not secure or no longer exists, the publisher changed the hyperlink but didn’t add a redirection link, etc.  On our side, we have chosen to keep the topics of the articles below as a testimony of our history and our identity.

  • From stock markets to carbon markets with the expertise of Will (Écotech, April 2015)
  • Écotech Québec is Carbo-responsible (January 2015)
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  • Grocery shopping …. carbon credits (Écotech Québec, September 2014)
  • Coming to a continent near you: Quebec carbon credit franchises (Écotech Québec, September 2014)
  • A world first (C3E, July 2013)
  • First GHG reduction sale from the Quebec Sustainable Community cluster to FEPAC (C3E, June 2013)
  • Will Solutions on the prestigious IETA list (C3E, December 2012)
  • Sustainable development already paying off in St-Gédéon-de-Beauce (CNW, November 2012)
  • Will Solutions: Company of the month (Cleantech Drinks, September 2012)
  • Small polluter becomes big carbon credit beneficiary (AQMT, August 2012)
  • Gedden’s Sustainable Community project is another string to the corporate bow (Ecoconseil / Synapse, June 2012)
  • Evolving in a Sustainable Community (Développement économique Longueuil, Winter 2011)
  • Will Solutions (Gedden) is a sponsor and speaker at the International Conference on the Environmentally Sound Management of Ship-generated Waste (November 2008)
  • CTTEI and Gedden join forces to deploy a global solution for the proactive management of industrial residues throughout Quebec (March 19, 2007)
  • Interview Martin Clermont, BNamericas (October 2004)


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