Exclusive Carbon Intelligence Resources!

Discover carbon intelligence on our new dedicated page. Explore inspiring case studies from companies committed to sustainable development and decarbonization. Immerse yourself in motivating stories, innovative strategies, and stay on the lookout for future market developments. Welcome to a space dedicated to the sustainable future.

A visuel that represents carbon intelligence

Discover our case studies for concrete carbon intelligence!

Produits Forestiers Petit Paris
Sustainable Community Member 

A small business that makes a difference :
Le Parcours de Produits Forestiers Petit Paris
towards sustainable forest management!

Find out more about the case study here !

Cultures Gen V
Greenhouse Agriculture
Sustainable Community Member

Vital, lively and green:
Cultures Gen V’s commitment to innovative
and sustainable greenhouse farming!

Discover the case study here !

Régie Intermunicipale des déchets de la Lièvre
Waste treatment plant
Sustainable Community Member

Waste management, composting and
waste recovery: explore the green initiatives of
the Régie de la Lièvre for a more dedicated,
environmentally-consicous local community.

Read the case study here !

Food Service
Carbon Credit Buyer

Find out how St-Hubert, the iconic rotisserie,
is reducing and offsetting its carbon emissions
while revolutionizing meal delivery!

Discover the case study here!


Logo of Produit Forestiers Petit Paris, a concrete case of carbon intelligence

Sustainable Community Member

An SME that makes a difference: Les Produits Forestiers Petit Paris journey to sustainable forest management!

Produits Forestiers Petit Paris

Greenhouse farming

Logo of Gen V, a concrete case of carbon intelligence

Sustainable Community Member

Vital, lively and green: Cultures Gen V’s commitment to innovative, sustainable greenhouse farming!

Cultures Gen V

Food service

Logo of St-Hubert, a concrete case of carbon intelligence

Carbon Credits Buyer

Find out how St-Hubert, the iconic rotisserie, is reducing and offsetting its carbon emissions while revolutionizing meal delivery!

Waste management and ecocentres

Logo of Regie Intermunicipale La Lièvre, a concrete case of carbon intelligence

Sustainable Community Member

The ecocenter, composting, waste recovery: explore the Régie de la Lièvre’s green initiatives for a more environmentally-friendly community!

Régie intermunicipale des déchets de la Lièvre

Carbon intelligence is constantly evolving!

Image representing carbon intelligence

In the dynamic world of carbon, every innovation, every commitment, and every case study is helping to sculpt a more sustainable future. By embracing this constant evolution, we position ourselves to catalyze meaningful change and create a smarter, more ambitious and inspiring decarbonization for future generations.

Carbon trends evolve rapidly!


Demand for voluntary carbon credits

Compared to 2020 and by 2030, demand could be multiplied by between 10 and 20, according to two sector scenarios (+900%).


Emissions reduction commitment

In 2023, the number of companies with an SBTi (Science Based Target Initiative) emissions reduction target increased by +117% compared to 2022. This is one of the most demanding decarbonization targets.

Source: MSCI Carbon Markets

billion dollars

The market for voluntary carbon offsetting is expected to grow from $2 billion in 2020 to around $250 billion by 2050.

Source: Morgan Stanley