Beyond the normative and quantitative aspects, the “symbolic” value of carbon titles originating from the Sustainable Community Solution is tremendous. The grouping of thousand of conscious and engaged acts, beyond regular and non regulated practices, generated by hundreds of different stakeholders grouped together around a Community project, creates traction and behavioral changes for all participants involved. Behind action, there is always motivation.
Beyond the normative and quantitative aspects, the “symbolic” value of carbon titles originating from the Sustainable Community Solution is tremendous. The grouping of thousand of conscious and engaged acts, beyond regular and non regulated practices, generated by hundreds of different stakeholders grouped together around a Community project, creates traction and behavioral changes for all participants involved. Behind action, there is always motivation. We can compare to vintage wines, wine was labeled as the drink of the gods. Its production was considered an art in the cultivation, the choice of the right soil and the transformation of the grapes into vintage wines through fermentation.
To Cultivate: To sow with information, traction of thousands of small actions of reduction of GHG emissions into a conscious dynamic effect, that in retro feedback, act positively in the environment and the Community. It’s like Positive Economics and Circular Economy.
The choice of the soil: In the case of the Sustainable Community Solution, the choice of the Quebec cluster as a project parameter, with its particularities in terms of resources and energy consumption.
To transform: Thousands of actions and initiatives into conscious and voluntary GHG reductions from thousands of persons.
A great vintage: Transforms into a great vintage the demand for energy and resources in a spirit of contentment, the complete opposite of insatiable consumerism.
Instead of using our analogy to wines we could have used coffee, chocolate, tea, scotch, honey, flowers, etc.
By connecting GHG reductions from small emitters and carbon credit buyers/sponsors, Will’s Sustainable Community solution allows the recognition of thousands of conscious acts based on “responsible sponsorship”. All parties are winners; those that realize efforts in reducing GHG emissions and those that sponsor them. The solution is based on a unique business model, in complement to taxes and carbon regulations, in a context of a worldwide scarcity in reducing GHG emissions. Solutions Will, Manifesto II, January 2014.