This is where we share the latest news and selected topics with you. With a focus on voluntary carbon markets and carbon credits and their impacts on the economy, the environment and society. You will discover various crucial and current topics highlighting the future of organizational climate action for the decarbonization of our society and the achievement of net zero objectives, through case studies, market analyses, testimonials, advice and recommendations and best practices.
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Energy Transition: From Fossil Fuels to Renewables
More than 95% of the electricity consumed and produced in Quebec comes from hydropower, a carbon-neutral energy [2]. However, the industrial and transport sectors are mainly fueled by fossil fuels. Indeed, the transport sector alone consumes 82% of petroleum products...
Closing the loop, once and for all
Cyclic processes such as water and nutrients abound in natural ecosystems. When species die, they decompose and integrate the soil with a range of nutrients necessary for the survival of others. The residual matter of one species is the food of the other: no waste is...
Earth also has its limits
By: Alexie Roy-Lafontaine The growth of the world’s population inevitably leads to an increase in the demand for natural resources (water, energy, minerals, wood) and living spaces. These demands put pressure on ecosystems and will increase in the coming years [1]....
Residual materials management: reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose as little as possible
Residual materials management is gradually evolving, recognizing that landfill of these materials is harmful to the environment and public health. Innovations in terms of equipment and treatment methods, as well as the involvement of citizens and industries in...
Sustainable mobility: What it is and how to get there
By: Alexie Roy-Lafontaine If I ride my bicycle to work, I practice sustainable mobility, right? Yes and no! The answer is not that simple. In fact, the concept of sustainable mobility links a multitude of players from different sectors. Citizens certainly have their...
The health impacts of air quality
By: Cassandre Clermont Good air quality is important for health, as is healthy eating and physical activity. The air we breathe allows our body to function; therefore it is essential that it is made up of healthy gases in enough quantity. On Earth, more frequent smog...
Deconfinement and Climatic Recovery
This article addresses the resuming of our post-confinement activities. The crisis triggered by the COVID-19 has naturally relegated climate action in second place as the public health crisis taking place globally and fears of a long-term economic recession are...
Greta vs Davos
Sequestration and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a combination of indispensable actions that must be carried out simultaneously. At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic[1] emerged as a global issue that is expected to gradually...
The impacts of global warming on health
Written by: Cassandre Clermont, biochemistry and molecular medicine student Global warming is a recent phenomenon caused by the abnormal increase in greenhouse gases. It was the industrialization of companies that led to an overproduction of its gases. The main...