The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities . This green economy is based on concepts and tools such as life cycle analysis, companies’ financial, social and environmental performances as well as their’ different and efficient way to do business.

The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities . This green economy is based on concepts and tools such as life cycle analysis, companies’ financial, social and environmental performances as well as their’ different and efficient way to do business .Quebec owners or building renting companies are one of the most important drivers of the green economy. We believe that their desire to do better and more efficiently could be the principal demand for green economy.  The offer, on the other hand, is principally composed of new environmental practices  and the incorporation of numerous green technologies, so called “Clean Tech”. This demand/offer represents the green economy applied to the building sector.

Most of the buildings can be considered as “stakeholders” of the Quebec economy. They are segmented into agricultural, industrial, commercial and industrial sectors. There are between 40,000 to 80,000 buildings bringing together nearly 200 000 companies of all types (primary, secondary and tertiary).

The life cycle analysis of a building, over a 20 years forecast, allow us to conclude that about 50% of the total costs are due to operational charges, that is to say, energy, waste management and other operation expenditures. On the other hand, the building acquisition expenses represent about 10% of the total costs. The remaining costs are essentially composed of expenses related to demolition and disposal of material, property taxes or other fees (such as water). If we add the transport fees – basically, each building can be considered as an entry and departure points for goods and peoples – we do have 3 budgetary items representing the “green” changes. A report from McKinley has recognized these three budgetary items as globally important .

According to our estimation, in 2009, 66% of the GHG Quebec emissions came from all transport activities, waste management and the use of fossil fuel (excluding emissions from industrial processes and large final emitters ).

We estimated that 53% of all GHG Quebec emissions are related to business units (transport, fossil energy and waste activities). Individually, they constituted 99.5% of the GHG low level emitters, that is to say, business units producing  â‰¤ 25 000 MT of eCO2 yearly. Let’s not forget that about 70% of the GHG Quebec emissions are originating from small final emitters. 


Martin Clermont, CEO of Will Solutions