Do WILL carbon credits comply with Bill C-59?
Bill C-59 aims to strengthen the transparency and credibility of carbon credits in Canada, by aligning them with rigorous standards of quality and environmental integrity.
Will Solutions’ carbon credits comply with these principles, as they meet the following criteria:
- Reality and traceability: Each credit is associated with a measured GHG reduction, verified by a third party and traceable in a recognized registry (Verra and VCS).
- Complementarity: The Sustainable Community project offers an unprecedented turnkey access to the voluntary carbon market for SMEs. This provides a unique financial, operational, marketing and institutional incentive for the decarbonization of SMEs.
- Sustainability and integrity: Will Solutions ensures that its Sustainable Community carbon project (since 2013) complies with validated methodologies (Verra VM0018 verified methodology) and produces positive economic, environmental and social impacts in the project’s area of activity (Quebec).
Article author and editor

Raphaël Pittavino-Varitto
Digital Marketing & Communications Manager