WILL glossary: definitions of carbon words and concepts

It is a general principle that GHG reduction goes beyond normal business practice, and that without carbon revenues the change would not have taken place. Toolkits are available to help determine eligibility.
To find out more, take a look at our guide to additionality.
Anthropogenic Emissions
They are GHG emissions caused by human activities, such as the use of fossil fuels and the conversion of land for forestry and agriculture.
Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
Commonly known as ITMO (International Trading Mitigation Outcome), this article provides for a GHG emissions trading system (of the Cap & Trade type) between countries that emit too much GHG and countries that emit less. Concretely, GHG reductions achieved by a State signatory to the Paris Agreement could be bought by another. Discussions have been underway since 2015 on how this could be done.
Business As Usual (BAU)
A scenario in which no further action is taken to reduce GHG emissions. A situation that Will Solutions helps to overcome with its innovative solutions.
Canadian Federal Government Carbon Pricing
The federal carbon pricing system is designed to recognize that pollution has a price, to empower Canadians, and promote clean and sustainable growth. Under the federal approach to carbon pricing, all direct proceeds from carbon pricing are returned to the province or territory of origin.
The majority of the direct proceeds from the federal fuel levy in Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan are returned to individuals and families in the form of Climate Action Incentive payments. Individuals can claim this payment on their 2019 income tax and benefit return. In Nunavut, Yukon and Prince Edward Island, direct proceeds are remitted directly to the provincial or territorial government.
Capital Flight of Carbon Credits
This is the purchase of carbon credits (CrC) produced by carbon projects located outside Quebec by Quebec buyers subject to the SPEDE-regulated market, thus creating a capital flight.
Indeed, in the regulated market, Quebec’s supply is largely insufficient compared to Quebec’s demand. For the 2018-2020 period, Quebec companies purchased 97% of their offset credits on the Californian market and only 3% in Quebec!
Carbon Compliance
Carbon compliance refers to all regulatory obligations with regard to decarbonization. Will Solutions helps companies avoid common pitfalls and mistakes while optimizing their carbon reduction strategies.
Carbon Contribution
The carbon contribution is a voluntary commitment to finance emission reduction projects, without necessarily fully offsetting one’s own emissions. Will Solutions helps you direct these contributions towards high-impact projects. Explore how WILL carbon credits can amplify your contribution!
Carbon Credits
Carbon credits are certified GHG emission reductions that can be sold or used to offset other emissions. The term carbon credits is general and encompasses regulated and voluntary credits alike. Will Solutions specializes in voluntary carbon credits.
Carbon Credits – Regulated Carbon Credits
These are carbon credits certified by the SPEDE and derived from GHG reduction projects quantified according to protocols defined by SPEDE regulations, leading to the issuance of offset credits (CrC). The latter can be sold to SPEDE issuers for use in meeting their compliance obligations.
Carbon Credits – Voluntary Carbon Credits
Voluntary carbon credits are greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction units voluntarily produced or purchased to offset all or part of their carbon footprint. These credits help finance sustainable projects and contribute to a positive impact on the climate. Find out how WILL carbon credits can support your initiatives. Find out more on our WILL carbon credits page.
Carbon Disclosure
Carbon disclosure involves making public an organization’s GHG emissions and efforts to reduce them.
Good practice in carbon disclosure includes the transparent communication of annual GHG emissions data, segmented by emission source, as well as the establishment of clear and measurable reduction targets.
In addition, the inclusion of this information in financial reports and public statements demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility, thereby reinforcing stakeholder confidence.
Carbon Footprint
It’s the measurement of the quantity of GHGs emitted or captured in the atmosphere over a year by an organization’s activities within a defined perimeter; this can include fossil fuel use (CO2), landfill of residual materials (CH4), land-use change, fertilizer manufacturing and use (N2O), as well as process emissions.
Looking to measure your corporate carbon footprint? Contact us here to access carbon knowledge!
Carbon Methodology
A case in point is our Verra-verified Sustainable Community methodology (VM0018). This is a rigorous methodological framework, registered and validated by a specialized third party. This framework makes it possible to develop a legitimate carbon project that will generate carbon credits by ensuring that emissions reductions are real, measurable and verifiable. It can also be seen as the recipe behind the carbon project (the dish!).
Find out more about the Sustainable Community methodology (VM0018).
Carbon Footprint Measurement
A carbon footprint assesses an organization’s carbon footprint by measuring its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Will Solutions helps companies quantify and understand their emissions to better reduce and offset them, by measuring emissions over a given reference year.
Carbon Neutral
Carbon neutrality refers to the balance between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced and those offset by reduction or sequestration actions. Adopt WILL carbon credits to achieve this goal and actively contribute to a sustainable future.
Carbon Offsetting
Carbon offsetting is a key step towards achieving carbon neutrality. It makes it possible to neutralize remaining greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by financing projects that reduce or sequester an equivalent quantity of GHGs.
Use our local, innovative and community-based carbon credits at source to move towards carbon neutrality via a qualitative portfolio.
Carbon Project
A carbon project is a registered and verified initiative, like the Will Solutions Sustainable Community. It is implemented on a given territory, enabling the production of carbon credits within predefined emission reduction perimeters, with clear and up-to-date calculation methodologies. These credits can then be sold to voluntary buyers, supporting concrete actions to combat climate change.
The Sustainable Community carbon project is public and traceable, as are the associated annual monitoring reports.
Carbon Proponent
Organization or individual initiating and managing a GHG reduction project. For example, Will Solutions is the promoter of the Sustainable Community carbon project.
Carbon Revenues
Carbon revenues come from the sale of carbon credits generated by GHG reduction projects. Through our Sustainable Community, we help our participating members maximize their revenues while contributing to the fight against climate change.
Carbon Social Cost (CSC)
The social cost of carbon is a commonly used indicator for measuring the expected economic damage of CO2 emissions.
Climate change can have an economic impact in a variety of ways, some of which are gradual, such as the cost of cooling buildings, while others are more dramatic, such as the damage to buildings caused by an extreme weather event. Some costs are not market costs (public health, damage to the environment), while others are, such as the additional costs on agricultural crop harvests (e.g. coffee, fruit, cereals, etc.).
The social cost of carbon translates the future damage of emitting one tonne of CO2 into a current monetary value. This cost takes into account several parameters, including climate risks and future generations. It also helps decision-makers determine climate policy. As a result, the social cost of carbon must increase to effectively account for the harms reflected, especially as physical and economic systems will come under new stresses over time as the effects of climate change multiply.
Climate Action
It revolves around the mantra “measure, reduce and contribute“. First, measure GHG emissions annually. Second, introduce behavioural measures or technologies to reduce them, and finally, contribute to global efforts by offsetting incompressible GHG emissions by becoming carbon neutral.
Climate Projections
In December 2020, researchers managed to reduce some of the uncertainties surrounding the future of the climate. They assume that the dangerous threshold of global warming, the +1.5°C mark, will be crossed between 2027 and 2042. And not by 2052, according to the latest IPCC assessment. Shaun Lovejoy, one of the authors, hopes that their new model will lead to “less room for manoeuvre” and, no doubt, more action.
A common unit of measurement under which different greenhouse gases are grouped. The CO2 equivalent (CO2e) is, for a greenhouse gas, the concentration of CO2 that would have the same capacity to retain solar radiation.
The grouping of GHG reduction quantifications from Sustainable Community members in order to have the accuracy of the quantification calculations verified by an external firm, which is ISO 1406 certified. In 2024, WILL began its 9th cohort. Discover our public carbon inventory by cohort on this page.
Decarbonization is the process by which a company, sector or economy reduces its carbon emissions by adopting less polluting practices and technologies. This includes transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and transforming industrial processes to minimize carbon footprints.
For Will Solutions , decarbonization represents a strategic priority, enabling organizations not only to achieve carbon excellence, but also to unlock carbon revenues. Find out if your company is eligible here.
According to the Office québécois de la langue française, an eco-responsible person is a natural or legal person, behaviour or activity that takes into account the principles of long-term sustainability for the physical, social and economic environment.
Early Finance Carbon Units (EFCUs) are credits issued before a project is fully implemented to attract initial financing. Although useful for launching projects, they are based on future estimates, making them more uncertain than ex-post carbon credits. The latter, issued after reductions have been verified, offer a more solid guarantee and are more reliable for investors and buyers.
Emissions reduction potential
Emissions reduction potential refers to the ability of an organization or project to reduce its GHG emissions. Will Solutions evaluates this potential to identify the best reduction strategies.
Energy Conversion
Energy conversion involves replacing fossil fuels with renewable or more efficient energy sources. Will Solutions supports companies in this transition to reduce their environmental impact.
Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency aims to reduce energy consumption while maintaining an equivalent level of service. For example, creating a building with high ecological standards, insulating windows and walls, optimizing HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems, heat recovery, etc. Book a meeting with a WILL carbon expert and find out if your green projects are eligible for carbon income!
Energy Transition
Green transition refers to the gradual shift from an economy based on fossil fuels and polluting practices to a more sustainable model, focused on renewable energies, energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
It implies a profound transformation of industrial sectors, infrastructures and consumption patterns, while integrating social considerations to ensure a fair and inclusive transition. To succeed, the green transition requires massive investment, technological innovation and public policies that promote environmental sustainability.
This is essential if we are to meet global climate targets and preserve natural resources for future generations.
Free Emission Allowances
They are issued annually by the MELCC only to ≈80 emitters who emit > 25,000 tCO2e/year/installation and who are exposed to commercial trade, such as aluminum smelters, steel mills, cement plants and pulp and paper mills, which are considered more vulnerable to “carbon leakage” than others.
GHG emission reductions at source
Reducing emissions at source means directly reducing the quantity of GHGs emitted by an organization. Reduction is the opposite of sequestration, which is capture rather than reduction. Will Solutions specializes in quantifying source reduction projects to offer tangible, traceable and non-estimated carbon credits.
Global GHG Emissions
The Climatewatch organization has estimated global anthropogenic emissions for the year 2017 to be in the order of 49.95 billion tCO2e.
Green Financing
Green financing is designed to support ecological initiatives and corporate climate action. Will Solutions offers companies access to green financing to accelerate their ecological transition. This is achieved in particular through carbon revenues.
Find out more about our Sustainable Community membership and green finance services.
Greenhouse Effect
The retention by the atmosphere of a fraction of the infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface under the effect of solar radiation.
Greenhouse gases (GHG)
Gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, which are emitted naturally or anthropogenically, and absorb infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere and clouds. The increase in their concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere is one of the factors causing global warming. The main GHGs are carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour (H2O), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs).
A communication or public relations strategy used by an organization (company, national or territorial public administration, etc.) in order to give itself a misleading image of ecological responsibility.
HVAC systems (Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating)
Key infrastructures for energy efficiency, where Will Solutions helps identify GHG reduction opportunities. Will Solutions is a partner of, coupling the power of artificial intelligence with carbon revenues for your HVAC systems.
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The IPCC aims to study the evolution of climate change and its consequences. In a report published in 2018, the IPCC indicated that to maintain the trajectory to limit global warming to 1.5oC, we need to reduce global GHG emissions by 45% from the year 2010 to the year 2030.
ISO 14 064
The ISO standard is made up of three parts, each dealing with the specificities and guidelines applicable at the level of organizations or projects on greenhouse gas emissions.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
It’s a detailed picture of the impacts of a product or service on climate change, human health and the quality and diversity of ecosystems for each stage of its life, i.e. its manufacture, use and disposal.
To find out more, read our blog post: Life cycle assessment and carbon footprint: what’s the difference?
Micro-project / Project Activity Instance
These are the actions and measures taken by members participating in the Sustainable Community project. A member can have more than one micro-project identified and quantified under the Sustainable Community.
Explore some of our Sustainable Community members’ microprojects on this page.
Mitigation of Climate Change
The implementation of actions, measures and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, therefore reducing the effects of climate change. Carbon credits, carbon taxation and carbon sequestration are some examples of mitigation measures.
Monitoring Report
A monitoring report documents the ongoing tracking of GHG emissions and reduction actions in a carbon project. Will Solutions prepares these reports to ensure project transparency and integrity.
MRV (Monitoring, Reporting & Verification)
Monitoring, Reporting & Verification refer to the mechanisms used to ensure the integrity of the calculations used to quantify the GHG reductions that will be converted into carbon credits.
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
Nature-based solutions where ecosystem services are used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve and develop carbon sinks. Will Solutions specializes in community carbon credits, but is a partner of Carbone Boréal.
A movement initiated by B Corp on December 11, 2019, following the COP25 of the Paris Agreement, of which WILL has been a signatory since the winter of 2020. It is an immediate commitment to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to reach a trajectory of 1.5 degrees leading to Net Zero by 2030, 20 years before the 2050 targets set in the Paris Accord.
Ownership of GHG Reductions
Without any contrary indication, a GHG reduction (measurable and verifiable) belongs to the person who is at the origin of it, either through behavioural change or the integration of clean technologies. In any case, the reduction is attributed instead of being achieved, and its acquisition is comparable to a voluntary philanthropic donation.
A GHG reduction is permanent when it is sustainable and non-reversible.
Quality Assurance and quality control (QA/QC) is an element of quality management that is part of the GHG emissions reduction quantification process.
Quantification of Reductions
The calculation of eligible GHG reductions for a validated project, based on a recognized quantification and verification methodology.
Real GHG Reductions
All GHG reduction projects or programs that generate GHG reductions must be demonstrated to have occurred.
Regulated Floor Price
First of all, a floor price is a minimum price to which a seller or buyer is subject. In an effort to integrate externalities into the economy, mechanisms exist to associate a price with them. For example, the Canadian floor price (government pricing) announced on December 11, 2020, will increase throughout this decade to reach CAD 170/tCO2e/year in 2030.
Regulated Offset Credits
Carbon credits that are certified by the SPEDE and that come from GHG reduction projects quantified according to protocols defined by the SPEDE regulations and that lead to the issuance of offset credits (CrCs). They can be sold to emitters regulated by the SPEDE to meet their compliance obligations.
Right of Issue
Issued by the Minister of MELCC, they correspond either to a greenhouse gas emission unit, an offset credit or a credit for early reduction, or any emission right issued by a partner entity, each having a value corresponding to one metric ton of GHG in CO2 equivalent.
Right to Pollute
Rights to pollute are permits or quotas allocated to companies, allowing them to emit a certain quantity of greenhouse gases (GHGs) during a given period. This concept is often used in cap-and-trade systems, where companies can buy, sell or trade these rights on a market.
The aim is to create a financial incentive to reduce emissions, by enabling the most efficient companies to sell their surplus rights to those with higher reduction costs. However, this system is open to criticism as to the efficiency and fairness of the distribution of rights. For a sustainable approach, it is essential to combine pollution rights with rigorous emission reduction policies and investment in green technologies.
SPEDE is Quebec’s cap-and-trade system is a Cap & Trade type carbon market mechanism in place since January 1, 2013.
There is no cap and trade system nor regulated carbon market in Ontario yet.
Sustainable Community (SC)
It’s a solution designed by WILL Solutions. It is the concrete application of the VM0018 quantification and verification methodology developed by WILL and certified in 2012 under the VCS program.
The Sustainable Community brings together companies and communities committed to reducing their GHG emissions through ecological projects in Quebec, and releases carbon revenues to support them financially. Will Solutions federates this community to maximize its collective impact. To find out more about Sustainable Communities and register for free, click here.
Technical landfill site
A technical landfill site is a facility designed to bury waste in a way that minimizes its environmental impact. Will Solutions works with specialized waste management partners to reduce the tons of material destined for landfill, giving it a second life and avoiding the methane emissions associated with landfilling various materials.
The art of greenwashing by planting trees, or showing the willingness to plant them.
A principle that ensures that each carbon credit resulting from a reduction of 1 tonne of GHG avoids double counting of each qualified GHG reduction. The individual serialization of each verified and serialized tonne of GHG is a mechanism that eliminates double accounting.
Validation and Verification Body (VVB)
Independent entities responsible for auditing carbon projects to confirm GHG reductions, with whom Will Solutions works closely on an annual basis to certify Sustainable Community reports on cumulative annual reductions.
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
The Verified Carbon Standard is an international standard for the certification of carbon credits, used by Will Solutions to guarantee the integrity and credibility of its customers’ projects.
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) program, administered by VERRA, is the most widely used voluntary GHG program in the world. This program enables certified projects to transform their GHG emission reductions and removals into tradable carbon credits.
As of December 29, 2020, 1,676 projects have been certified, including the first Sustainable Community solution deployed in Quebec by WILL.
Verified Carbon Unit – VCU)
A Verified Carbon Unit (VCU) represents one tonne of carbon dioxide (or equivalent) whose emission has been avoided or removed from the atmosphere thanks to a carbon project certified by an international standard, such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).
Each VCU is issued after rigorous verification of the project by an accredited validation and verification body, guaranteeing that the GHG reductions are real, measurable and additional. VCUs are then registered in a public registry to ensure transparency and traceability, offering companies and individuals an opportunity to offset their residual emissions credibly.
Verifiable Reduction
A verifiable GHG reduction is a reduction that has already been achieved and is fully and sufficiently documented so that a verifier who is a member of an ISO 14 065 accredited verification body can, through an objective on-site review of the GHG reduction project, confirm its achievement and accuracy.
Verification Report
The verification report is an independent assessment of a project’s GHG reduction data. Will Solutions guarantees that its projects are verified to the highest standards.
Verra was founded in 2005 by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets. Today, they serve as the secretariat for the various standards they develop and the programs they manage, such as the VCS program.
Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)
The voluntary carbon market is a trading mechanism for GHG emission reductions converted into carbon credits that is not tied to regional, national or international regulatory obligations. The voluntary carbon market therefore includes offsets that are purchased to resell or retire them to meet carbon neutrality or other environmental claims. Voluntary demand for carbon offsets is driven by companies and individuals who take responsibility for offsetting their emissions, known as purely voluntary buyers, as well as by entities that purchase offsets before emissions reductions are required by regulation.
Waste management and landfill detour
This management aims to minimize waste sent to landfill by promoting recycling, reuse and material recovery. Examples include composting, using glass or wood residues in production, reselling recycled plastics, reclaiming sludge and biosolids, etc. Will Solutions supports and finances projects that reduce the emissions associated with landfill.
Contact us and find out for free if your ecological projects are eligible for carbon finance!
Quebec joined the World Climate Initiative (WCI) in April 2008. Since 2014, the WCI has brought together Quebec and California, which have adopted a common approach to fighting climate change, notably through the development and implementation of a cap-and-trade system for GHG emissions.
Quebec and California have defined the obligations of their subject companies, including the terms of their participation, such as the nature of emission rights, protocols for carbon credits, and quantitative and territorial limits on their use.