This is where we share the latest news and selected topics with you. With a focus on voluntary carbon markets and carbon credits and their impacts on the economy, the environment and society. You will discover various crucial and current topics highlighting the future of organizational climate action for the decarbonization of our society and the achievement of net zero objectives, through case studies, market analyses, testimonials, advice and recommendations and best practices.

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The Danger of Crossing “Ecological Planetary Boundaries”

The Danger of Crossing “Ecological Planetary Boundaries”

The Holocene is the geological era that started 12 000 years ago. This is an exceptional period for human prosperity. It is in this environment that agriculture and complex societies developed themselves. The Holocene is the geological era that started 12 000 years...

The Voluntary Market

The voluntary market is the counterpart of the regulated one. It covers all installations, buildings or properties that are not subjected to a regulated carbon market. The voluntary market is the counterpart of the regulated one. It covers all installations, buildings...

What determines the price of carbon credits?

Like any other goods or services, prices of carbon credits are established by the junction of supply and demand. Contrary to the regulated market where the supply and demand of carbon credit are regulated through complex regulations, the supply and demand of voluntary...

The voluntary carbon market in Quebec beyond 2015

The voluntary carbon market in Quebec beyond 2015

The voluntary carbon market, which is not regulated in Quebec, targets overall small final emitters (SFE) that emit less than 25 000 tons of GHG yearly. The voluntary carbon market, which is not regulated in Quebec, targets overall small final emitters (SFE) that emit...

The circular economy and its effect on climate change

The circular economy is « a generic term for an industrial economy that is, by design or intention, restorative and in which materials flows are of two types, biological nutrients, designed to re-enter the biosphere safely, and technical nutrients, which are designed...

Quebec’s Energy Independance

In an interview with Nathalie Collard from La Presse, Nicolas Marceau, Quebec’s new Finance Minister, answered a few questions about his ambition to counter Quebec’s trade deficit with energy independence. In other words, how can Quebec become an oil free economy? In...

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