This is where we share the latest news and selected topics with you. With a focus on voluntary carbon markets and carbon credits and their impacts on the economy, the environment and society. You will discover various crucial and current topics highlighting the future of organizational climate action for the decarbonization of our society and the achievement of net zero objectives, through case studies, market analyses, testimonials, advice and recommendations and best practices.

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How are greenhouse gas emissions calculated?

How are greenhouse gas emissions calculated?

  We often hear about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but do you know how they are calculated? Do you know the impact of the calculations on emissions estimates?   The use of emission factors Emissions are calculated using emission factors. An emission...

Negative Emotions: A Driving Force Towards Positive Emotions

Negative Emotions: A Driving Force Towards Positive Emotions

Emotions play a major role in shaping human behavior [1]. Those that are positive allow us to build our resilience and open our fields of vision in the eyes of certain issues: they give us a sense of well-being [2]. The pursuit of happiness has been ingrained in...

Protecting the ozone layer: a one-hit wonder

Protecting the ozone layer: a one-hit wonder

  In the not-too-distant past, the ozone layer was deteriorating at an alarming rate. In 1985, a hole that continued to grow was observed over Antarctica. The harmful Sun’s rays were able to seep into our atmosphere which threatened humans and ecosystems. Skin...

Don’t Look Up: When Science Disagrees with Technology

Don’t Look Up: When Science Disagrees with Technology

A movie about a giant comet speeding up to crash into Earth, but doesn’t catch anyone’s attention? Yes, it is a satire of current political and social behavior towards the climate crisis. Astronomers Kate Dibiaski (Jennifer Lawrence) and Randall Mindy (Leonardo...

Calculating your carbon footprint for a more sustainable lifestyle

Calculating your carbon footprint for a more sustainable lifestyle

We, residents of the countries of the North, lead a rather frantic pace of life in general. The harassing supply of consumption catalyzes the desire to always have the latest novelties and to want to replace our goods sometimes broken, sometimes become bland in our...

Back to the future: Biochar and Terra preta

Back to the future: Biochar and Terra preta

  An ancient technique used by the first peoples of the Amazon to shape soil fertility is being taken up today and could play a potential role in climate change mitigation. The vastest wild area in the world, the lungs of the planet, the largest pool of...

Clock is ticking: Looking good is no longer enough

Clock is ticking: Looking good is no longer enough

At COP26, which ended in early November, more than 100 political leaders agreed to halt deforestation by 2030. Canada, Russia, China, Indonesia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil, where important areas of the Amazon...

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