This is where we share the latest news and selected topics with you. With a focus on voluntary carbon markets and carbon credits and their impacts on the economy, the environment and society. You will discover various crucial and current topics highlighting the future of organizational climate action for the decarbonization of our society and the achievement of net zero objectives, through case studies, market analyses, testimonials, advice and recommendations and best practices.

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Carbon Credit Chronicles#2: There are no climate borders

Martin Clermont, CEO April 15th, 2019 The consensus obtained at the signing of the Paris Protocol in 2015 is slowly but surely eroding. The signing states are simply unable to put into action the national policies needed to face climate change challenges. This...

Carbon Credit Chronicles: The 4th wave

Carbon Credit Chronicles: The 4th wave

July 4th, 2019 My intuition concerning a 4th wave of demand for voluntary market carbon offsets has been confirmed! It is refreshing to see that there is a consumer response, even if it is only nascent, to the scientific outcry from the IPCC’s october 2018...

Gazon Savard: Technological innovation

Gazon Savard's membership in Will's Sustainable Community in August 2016 was initiated by SADC Haut Saguenay, which organized the first meeting between Will and Gazon Savard. The participation of Gazon Savard gives it recognition of its contribution to the climate...

Early 2017; acting on the Demand side

Following the Paris agreement, signed in December 2015, much remains to be done on the global challenges related to climate change. Discouragement or cynicism can take up a large part of our energies individually. At the same time, it is always topical to incarnate...

A second carbon revenue for Recyc PHP

Will rewards for a second time Recyc PHP, which is also a customer of the CAE of Drummondville. Will rewards for a second time Recyc PHP, which is also a customer of the CAE of Drummondville. Our complete blog at Recyc PHP.

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